Duane Reade

Duane Reade

Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Bike Parking: Yes
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

Price range.

$$ Price range Moderate

4 reviews

  1. Why is the line so freaking long? There's not enough space to stand, so customers keep bumping into you as they try to get to the products being sold. Argh! Tiny, tiny.

  2. Smells like curry yet they don't sell curry. Weird.  Don't get me wrong, I love curry but it's just a bit unexpected when you walk into a drug store.  I just don't understand where this smell comes from.  I've come in twice on my way home from work and both times, the smell is overwhelming.  

    Curry aside, the selections is small, the aisles are in a mild state of disarray, and the staff really has very little interest in helping you.  And, as is par for all Duane Reades, the prices are all much higher than they should be.  $16 for the same exact cream you get for $11 at Target?  We're in Manhattan, not Beirut.  

    To top it all off, the door handle has been broken for a month and is still being held together with tape.  Just get me outta here.

  3. It's actually pretty funny how I've been here a few times since starting my new job. My office is now like 2 or 3 businesses down from this Duane Reade and each and every single time I've gone in here to purchase something in particular, I end up having to make due with something else because they (SURPRISE!) don't have whatever item(s) it is that I came in for.

    I also don't understand why Duane Reads (CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aids don't really do this!) love to put pharmacies and pharma products downstairs. If someone needs to purchase band-aids – they're stuck going down stairs. If they need pain-relievers…oh awesome, freakin' STAIRS. if someone needs contact solution – I really hope they can SEE THE DAMN STAIRS. Ladies sanitary items such as pads and tampons – not necessarily pharma items – but yep, you're going down the bloody STAIRS!! (Ahahahaha, see what I did thurr?! :D)

    If you're thinking to yourself – Steph, calm down – this Duane Reade has a handicap elevator if going downstairs it so much trouble…well here is my response: I've only seen it work one time that I've been here. ONCE. It's usually blocked by large plastic, light gray storage containers filled with items they're probably going to load the elevator with and stock downstairs. I've also seen stuff blocking the entrance of it downstairs as well. If you're actually handicapped and really need the elevator, good luck in the mornings and early afternoons. I'm pretty sure that blocking the usage of it is illegal, but who knows. Sigh.

    Today was the final straw for me and the catalyst for me to finally come over to Yelp and write a review – I needed H2O Foaming cleanser/solution for wound cleansing (to take care of cleaning a recently done ear piercing and making sure that an infection doesn't rear its ugly, pus-filled head) and the pharmacist (assistant I'm assuming because I mean, jeez!) suggested that I use hydrogen peroxide – um…using hydrogen peroxide or alcohol (as those chemicals are extremely harsh) on my piercing will kill all the healthy cells trying to heal the piercing and thus prong the healing time – it could also cause dryness which could cause "crusties" that would build-up in and near each hole and could prevent new skin tissue from growing and cause keloid or infection.

    I'm not a medical or pharma professional by ANY means, but I did a lot of research and spoke to a lot of experiences piercers before and after I did it.

    The holiday card section here also BLOWS like Lisa Simpson on a saxophone, but without the jazz hands action. Before receiving craptacular advice at the "pharmacy" I spent quite some time (ir 15 minutes. 15 MINUTES) looking for a birthday card. Papyrus? Nope, not in this Duane Reade…despite being located in Soho. The birthday card selection sucks unless it's for a child or for a non-platonic significant other. For a friend?! URG. Once again I made due.

    The gift bag, tissue paper and gift bows wall also wreaks of disappointment, don't even attempt to match – ain't going to happen or it's going to cost you an arm and a leg AND you're going to end up having left overs to last you until Christmas – which I didn't need, thanks.

    Come here if you need to buy something simple like gum, deodorant or nail polish. Don't come here if you actually have a pharma need and have questions – you're unfortunately better off using the internet, sigh.

  4. Don't understand all the hate for this place & maybe time has been kind to this Duane Reade but we found the location to be a godsend!

    Looking for blister-supplies?  They had them in abundance

    Looking for bottled water?  They had a large assortment of brands & sizes

    Tons of groceries of the snacking varieties and candies, chocolates, cookies, bathroom essentials……just everytihng I come to expect at a Walgreens

    And getting to use my Walgreens rewards card towards my purchase?  Bonus!!

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