Lagos Spot

Lagos Spot

Good for Kids: Yes
Good for Groups: Yes
Caters: Yes

Price range.

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1 review


    I was exploring the area when I came across this spot.  Seeing that the awning indicated something I rarely have the pleasure to eat – African food – I ran right in. From behind the counter, I was greeted by a nice African lady with an incredibly thick accent. Then I truly realized that this was gonna be real African food. I asked her what she recommended and she said the fish with beans over rice. The dish was great. The ingredients used definitely made these three simple foods taste unlike anything I have ever tasted before. The fish was herbful and spicy. But what surprised me was that the spiciness did not linger in my mouth like most hot sauces. It was like it just came and went. Very cool. The beans also had a unique taste to them. And even the white rice tasted unique.

    For $10 I would say this dish was worth it. I'm sure I left a good impression on the nice lady when I corrected her billing mistake. I gave her $20 and she accidentally returned the same amount, thinking she had given me $10 instead. Moral of the story: no talking on the phone while giving change. Anyway, I look forward to returning to this spot. I saw them cooking on the stove a huge pot of stewed chicken and it looked awesome.

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Mulberry Street 266
Newark 07102 NJ US
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