White Castle

“I recommend double checking large orders before departing the drive through.”

“Coming into Jersey and eating white castles is like a rites of passage.”

“But I would come here alone, when I was cutting school, when I was just 14 years old…no one ever messed with me.”

White Castle

Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Good for Groups: Yes
Drive-Thru: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

8 reviews

  1. What can you say it's White castle. I have not had it in years. Good greasy burger. This location is not run the best but it's hard for them to mess up the burgers.

  2. "Whatever you do, don't get the onions!  Even if you like onions, it doesn't matter.  It'll still tastes like onions.  If you get the onions, you'll get sick and start barfing all night.  It's not really onions.  It's like onion sludge.  And get the chicken rings and onion rings and pile them on top of the bacon cheeseburger so you don't taste the smear of meat on the bun.  Believe me, you don't want to taste the meat.  It melts into the bun anyways, so it doesn't matter.  Just put as much as you can on the burger."

    After hearing this tirade, plus many other yummy tidbits from my cousins and my cousins' friends, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go to Whitecastle anymore.  I mean, who makes chicken rings??  And who loads as much crap as possible on their burger so that they can't taste it??  I go to burger places to eat burgers, not to avoid them at all costs while eating them.

    I went anyway.

    The burger was better than I imagined, but what I imagined was a toxic, alien substance that would burn a hole through my colon.  It still wasn't very good, and I got diarrhea the next day.

  3. It's something you have to have if you grew up on it. My husband didn't so therefore hates it. I can't get enough! This is the closest White Castle to where I was staying. Chesseburgers, a sack of onion rings and an orange drink. It doesn't get any better than that.
    The price wasn't bad either.

  4. Hey, can you spare some change?  My wife is pregnant and we need money for the bus…

    Dude, its 3am, I'm in the car with 4 other drunk assholes, and you're drawing attention to us.  There's no bus at this hour, and if your wife is still in labor after the last 30 times I came hear and listened to the same freakin story, it's probably too late anyway.  F off!

    Sound familiar?  Then you've been to Castle on Central, a rite of passage for any drunk driver in West Orange or the surrounding towns.

    Amazingly delicious, a bit intimidating at first (bulletproof glass on the drive-through window can be that way from time to time), and without fail they screw up every order.  

    Trust me though, when they leave out the extra onion rings and chicken rings, along with 10 of the 40 burgers you thougth it was a good idea to order, it will make you madder than you ever thought possible.  However, you will thank god tomorrow that you didn't have one more bite than you did.  

    That said, if you're one of those rare individuals impervious to Montezuma's Revenge or any other kind of stomach ailment, they're open 24 hours so you can always return and polish off the rest of your sliders and rings for breakfast.

    Based on this review, you may not be sure how it equates to 5 stars, but c'mon, it's freakin White Castle!  God Bless America.

  5. On the day i moved from Jersey to San Diego, we had whitecastle. I remember the grease on the whitebags, the little square box the hamburger came in, and the tastiness of it all while we played monopoly waiting for the moving truck to come. I hate onions but I like them on the little burgers. I sometimes miss the east coast for you white castle.

  6. My man raves about this place. Even before *that movie* came out, White Castle held a special place in his heart. (INB4 "hipster!")

    Maybe it's 'cause it was early in the day, but the appearance of the place wasn't at all what I imagined. It was spotless. OK, there was one non-customer guy who was loitering around, but he didn't hassle us and even gave us some advice about the bathroom (it's locked; ask the employees to open it for you). Oh yeah, the cleanliness of the bathroom was pretty acceptable too.

    What was good, you ask? EVERYTHING. Yeah, if you care at all about your health, this isn't food you'll want to eat everyday, but c'mon. Live a little, Jade. Just promise me you won't eat a whole Crave Case by yourself. And stop talking to yourself.

    It's fun to watch them cook. So, imagine me, a WC virgin, stepping in for breakfast, unsure of what to get. Rather than getting one of their sack meal deals, we decided to go big and grab a variety of sliders. My favorites: the original slider and the sweet potato fries.  I felt like a giant eating all this tiny food, but damn. And I was sober, too.

  7. I was craving some White Castles so headed to the closest location for a half dozen or so.

    Yes, the area is a bit depressed, but I did not feel unsafe at around 5:00PM on a Sunday. However, I wouldn't want to spend more time there than I had to either.

    The manager was very nice and the staff were clean cut and respectful.

    Craving satisfied.

  8. Call me a loser all you want, but the only other time I've had a White Castle slider before this visit was from a box in the frozen section of a supermarket in California. Thus, when I found out that there was a White Castle in New Jersey, I rushed to my car at around 10:25pm and drove to the nearest one to West Orange!

    …bad idea. 10:25pm + patrol vehicles with lights and sirens on + a group of people staring at you from across the street + and a block meeting inside White Castle = No bueno. If there's anything I want anyone to get out of this, it is to avoid this place at night. It's on the corner of a shady area and I do not recommend going here at all during the late hours. Bulletproof glass should explain why.

    For someone who has never had a fresh batch, I suggest going for #1, which is four original sliders, fries, and a drink. The patty, though small, was flavorful on its own. There's a small squirt of ketchup and a pickle chip aside from the burger patty itself. It might not mean much to many people, but you can actually appreciate the slider without many condiments. I ordered two orders of #1, but I was missing one order of fries; I didn't notice it until I made it back to my hotel.

    Their sack of onion rings was more on the batter side, sort of like the onion rings from Burger King, but not as crispy. They were ordinary and nothing much to brag about. If I read correctly, they're open 24 hours, so White Castle is a great late night stop granted you find a good branch.

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