King Fried Chicken

King Fried Chicken

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

1 review

  1. I'm not sure what this place is actually called:
    It was a Kennedy Fried Chicken & Pizza. Yelp has it as Florida Fried Chicken (whatever that is?). When I went, it was (still is) called King Fried Chicken.
    It's menu and pricing, for the most part, resemble that of a Kennedy FC.

    Aside from poultry, in any form you could imagine, they have burgers, salads, pizza, gyros and even ice cream. They have signs all over that state Halal this and Halal that, but I'm not sure they know what the halal that word means- being that they have bacon as an option for many of their dishes, as well as sausage and pepperoni for their pizzas.

    I had some spicy wings, which were just those wing-zing types, in that there isn't a sauce, they just have the spice built in to the batter. They were ok (not quite A-OK) but I was beyond shocked that they didn't have ranch dressing when I asked for a side (even offered to pay for it). I mean really!?! And that's not even me stereotyping- they offer salads, but they don't have ranch. I also had a chicken titty- it was at least a C-cup in size, but it too was just ok in taste.

    If you're in the area, and want some decent chicken, Florida/King will provide just that.

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Willis Avenue 266
10454 NY US
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Monday, 6:00 am - 3:00 am