Super Lucky Seafood Restaurant

Super Lucky Seafood Restaurant

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Bike Parking: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Good for Groups: Yes
Has TV: Yes
Waiter Service: Yes
Caters: Yes

Price range.

$$ Price range $11-30

8 reviews

  1. Super lucky seafood might be one of the worst seafood/dinner/lunch / dim sum restaurant in eight avenue… There is so many good asain resturant located in eight avenue that this one is just embrassing to still be around today…theres a B rateing for heath inspection here now you know thats a bad sign…after they change the Owener /chef and even the name of the resturant I stopped dining here… Everything was good but now the food here just sucks… The area is pretty disgusting… There grabage piled on the side of the resturant… There isn't as many people dining here as there use to be…Hard to fine parking…

  2. Dim sum, maybe not. Dinner, YES. Take-out Meats, HELL YES!

    Okay, I agree that this is certainly the not the best dim sum on 8th Avenue and many of the dim sum dishes are sub-par or even mediocre at best. The restaurant is old looking, dim sum ladies are pushy, and a bit dirty on the outside. This restaurant have been through so many name changes and management changes over the past two decades, so hard to keep up! Instead of writing another negative review solely based on dim sum which most Yelpers have already and even I could agree on, I am going to point out the positives, too – and yes, this place is more than just dim sum!

    Dinner service is great here! Seafood dishes are amazingly fresh from the tank and full of flavor! Jellyfish dish was really good, too! The flounder dish was well prepared, does not smell fishy, and the fish sauce went well with my white rice! Another major plus about this restaurant are the take-out meat. Barbecue Pork, Roasted Pork, Scallion Chicken, Soy Sauce Chicken, Roasted Duck, and etc. Pick your meat and the butcher will chop for you. Everything is fresh but taste best when you get it right when it is fresh out of the oven. They have the best value meat and the most authentic taste in the area. My family would put our family approval stamp on this after living here for more than two decades! I live in Queens now but this is still the best on my list. Highly recommend!

    Alright now, are there any pluses at all with the dim sum? Definitely. While they fail at other dim sum dishes such as tripe, chicken feet, buns, and etc., their Cheung Fun dishes such as the Shrimp/Beef Rice Crepes and Pork Spared Ribs over Cheung Fun are perfect! The rice crepes were fresh out of the oven and extremely soft to munch into! My grandmother's weak teeth approves this! We were most impressed with the Fried Cruller wrapped with rice crepe, topped with cilantro. Not many dim sum places would even top it with cilantro on 8th Avenue but they did! The crunchy fried cruller, fresh Cheung Fun, and with the aroma of cilantro was superb! Not to mention, this restaurant is inexpensive and gets the job done!

    Seriously, this place is alright. It is not for everyone but your wallet will be thanking you later. Get the barbecue meats!

    Note: Cheung Fun = Rice Crepe = Rice Noodle Roll

  3. Our group ended up here when it became apparent that at 1pm on a Saturday around Lunar New Year, East Harbor nearby was not going to accommodate a group of 9. "New Star" (what this restaurant is now called?) is right around the corner from the subway station, easily identifiable, and packed full but with no wait.

    The dim sum has that not-fresh + reheated tendency of sticking together. Seriously, everything we ordered (pai gu, har gow, chicken feet, dumplings, everything) was glued to every other piece in the basket. That's a tragedy for those delicate rice wrappers!

    The har gow (shrimp dumpling) was the toughest I've ever tasted. Aside from that, nothing was spectacularly bad. But nothing was actually good, either.

    On the plus side, we ordered a ton and the bill was under $80.

  4. Our dinner at Super Lucky seafood was a mixed bag.  Oddly enough, the best dish we had was salt and pepper pork chops, which were fantastic.  The crab with sticky rice not so much.  The water spinach was good but I've had better.  And service was spotty but this could have been due to the fact that everyone else in the place was a big party, plus we had a language barrier.  I will certainly go back and give this place another try – and order more pork chops!

  5. The dim sum here is poppinnnn. I recommend the shrimp dumplings, chicken feet, spare ribs and shrimp rice noodle rolls. They're steamy hot and super delicious! The only dim sum I didn't like as much was the sticky rice because the sauce inside was gooey and there was a huge piece of pork fat. It's a minor flaw though and I didn't deduct a star because the ladies who push the carts here are very friendly and are always encouraging me to try other dishes. I'm looking forward to my next visit.

  6. I come here often with family since childhood, and even though the management has changed a few times, the food is consistently acceptable {I'd give it a 3.5 if I could}. Dimsum is pretty good here, but what I generally get is the cold cuts – GO FOR THE DUCK! Definitely, definitely get half a duck/full duck. There are two types – fire roasted and then the "wet" one, either is delicious, but beware, it can be fatty. I brought a friend here on a self-designed "Brooklyn Chinatown Food Tour" and this was our first stop. We stood on the corner and devoured a full-half duck, so I'd err on the side of hunger and get the full!

  7. I haven't been back to this restaurant since East Harbor Restaurant open couple of streets away from it back in the days. I didn't have much of a choice on Christmas Day when the lines there (East Harbor) was Black Friday long and I still didn't get a seat after 1.5 hours of waiting.  

    My sister was able to get a table at Super Lucky in about half an hour, so we headed there instead.

    The food was ok for dim sum but not the best. Their chicken feet was very tasty but their beef steak was one of the worst i've ever had for dim sum.

    But if other dimsum place around 8th ave are fulled, this can always be a good back up location.

  8. I'm sad to report that the low star rating, does in fact have merit here at Super Lucky.

    Tanked crabs in the restaurants rear were making an unsuccessful jail break outta inventory. Inmates were holding on to eachother—claw to claw–each by a single nub, stretching to the top of the over crowded tank above the water line, but couldn't make it up, over and out. If only they had the GI Joe with the King fu grip, but alas—it wasn't on the cards for the escapees, but the crabs knew something was not kosher, so to speak.

    Our server reminded me of Tom Phan, the wacky 80's Asian real estate salesmen guy who advertised on late night local networks. Annoyingly boisterous, trying to pitch expensive dishes, today must have been the day to rid themselves of old rice. He was going on and on with propositions of pricey rice, average rice, plain 'ole white rice– to accompany our three uniquely different dishes, it got to the point I was going to walk to a different section. I realize the importance of rice as it relates to Asian cuisine, but his blathering was over the top.

    Sizzling Frog & Cumin: the pan sizzled—the frogs layed on top of thick bell pepper chunks. Both of which could have used a few more minutes in the oven, as the sizzle quickly trickled down to a light hiss. If there was any frog flavor resemblance to another food, as the joke perpetuates, it wasn't chicken, perhaps sparrow?

    Ducks Tounge: served over a bed of sloppily plated and tired wet watercress, the tounges had minimal flavor and one of every three's toughness factor were south of the rubber of a hockey puck. But a unique menu item none the less, so kudos for that. Truth be told, there were some really fun/rare/exotic items offered for the Zimmermans (Andrew that is).

    Had I chosen improper on two of three dishes?

    Beef Special: by far the best item we ordered, but the MSG and the grease were if epic proportions which is tastebud trickery.
    By the way, last I checked, there are no frogs nor any cows in the ocean.

    Our server–without out notice, proceeded to stuff his fat face at a corner table as we sat.. and sat..and sat with our payment ready.

    I gave a double star rating before I finished my review, but rehashing the experience this morning only reinforces a low rating and lowering a star more. Each dish ran a hefty $15.00.

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Monday, 8:00 am - 10:30 pm
Tuesday, 8:00 am - 10:30 pm
Wednesday, 8:00 am - 10:30 pm
Thursday, 8:00 am - 10:30 pm
Friday, 8:00 am - 10:30 pm
Saturday, 8:00 am - 10:30 pm
Sunday, 8:00 am - 10:30 pm