Pages Restaurant On the Mall

Pages Restaurant On the Mall

Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

2 reviews

  1. Can I get an Amen for a to-go buffet? WORD!
    Not Good, Not Bad – Hit's the spot when you're hungry and looking for a quick bite that satisfies a broad range of pallets. Page's has a cold bar and a hot bar with basic crowd pleasers. The  food here won't wow you and leave you fantasizing about coming back here, however it's cheap and fills ya' up.
    Cold Bar: Salad, Pasta, Diary, Meat, Veggies Etc.
    Hot Bar:  Greasy American & Asian Food with random deep fried goodies like onion rings, french fries and egg rolls.
    Food Quality: One substitues cheap yet tasty & filing food over high quality/ good-for-you food!
    I won't be rushing back here, but I will more than likely stop by for a bite sometime in the future

  2. Page's gets an "A-OK" three star rating from me because of the convenience of its location and those little corn fritter things at the hot bar (go for these if you see them – hot commodity).

    To be honest, it's a 'meh. I've experienced better' but it's a regular spot for me because a coworker likes it, the people who run it are nice people, and those damn addicting corn fritters.

    Items to put on your plate or in your take-away tin are the aforementioned corn fritter nuggets, the spicy red sauced chicken, the baked chicken, fried tilapia, and shelled shrimp (if you don't mind de-shelling).. and if you're in the mood for super soy-sauced lo mein, go for it. The fried chicken is hit-or-miss; sometimes good, sometimes dry. But, if you're hungry and know you're getting buffet style food, Page's won't kill you.

    Oh, the grill is actually pretty good. Warning: It's a wait. If you're on a schedule, just go to the hot foods.

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Monday, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm