6th Avenue Pizza

6th Avenue Pizza

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2 reviews


    Gotta love the 6th ave/bryant park pizza price war.

    The sign in front now says Pizza King, but I found the pizza king to be seriously lacking.

    I tried both pizzas from here and 2 bros next door and 2 bros wins hands down.  Seems like this place tries to do too much, so the quality of pizza is pretty bad.  For 75 cents a slice, I understand they are operating on razor thin margins and struggle to create a quality product.

    The pizza crust was decent, but there was virtually no sauce and very little cheese on the slice.

    I hope this place can survive from the 2 bros assault though.  If all of the other pizza makers go under, I'm guessing the dollar slice from 2 bros will increase in price.


    I came here because of the signs outside that state $1 slices of pizza. This place is really grimy and grungy inside. It is actually a pizza place, small newstand, and Indian fast food place combined into one. I just tried the pizza here.
    Their dollar slices look very old and seem to have been sitting out all day. The pizza is also very stingy on the tomato sauce. It seems that a lot of the customers are cab drivers or locals who just want a cheap, quick bite.
    Low price, but very low quality as well.

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