99 Cent Fresh Pizza

99 Cent Fresh Pizza

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

4 reviews


    After a late night wedding, my friends and I were starving for some pizza.  This place was the closest to the hotel.  

    We ordered a large pizza with extra cheese and the guy whipped it up for us on the spot.  So I give it points for convenience and speed.

    The pizza itself was nothing special, though.  While the cheese had a nice garlic flavor to it, the sauce was bland.

    If you're in a pinch or up late, this place can do the trick.  It shouldn't be your go-to stop, though.


    For $2.75 you can get two large slices of cheese pizza and a can of soda. This place is a steal and to boot it's delicious pizza. I don't know if it's New York style pizza because we only had this and one other joint but man was it good. It tasted like they used quality ingredients and the crust was nice and slightly crispy. For the price and the taste this place cannot be beat, plus it's right in the heart of Times Square.


    What were we thinking diving into this small hole-in-the-wall nearing 12 on a Saturday night?!

    Oh right, we weren't thinking. We just wanted some PIZZA.

    And for a buck a slice (for cheese) and 50 cents per additional topping, it did the job right. Pepperoni pizza looked bomb while mushroom looked whack. Pass on the veggies, aim for the meat on these slices. There's better pizza in the city elsewhere, but you can't pass on a good deal especially when you got the munchies.

    Five minutes later and a stomach less hungry, we were on our merry ways. So if you happen to be in the area with a dollar in your hand, may as well spend it on a New York City experience.


    Not bad for buck. One of my pet peeves of 99 cent pizza is that they often add sugar to the sauce to make it somehow more palatable. Blech. Not this place.

    Pizza is pretty straightforward, decent enough. The cheese is thin, if you ask for extra hot that'll put a nice crunch on the bottom crust. Just don't get fancy and ask for toppings. Stick to the basics and you'll be fine.

    Also this is a stand and eat kind of spot.

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