Arepa Lady

“She makes arepas unlike any other and she's definitely worth a trip into Queens or outside your doorstep in the wee hours of the night.”

“I had the Chorizo–which is sausage, grilled on a stick with lemon and salt!!”

“The chorizo is juicy and hot and crunchy and spicy and cooked to perfection.”

Arepa Lady

Take-out: Yes
Bike Parking: Yes
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Good for Groups: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

8 reviews


    I had tried an arepa at the summer street fair in the city once and it wasn't a good experience.

    The bf discovered Arepa Lady through yelp and had suggested that we should try. I hesitated at first, but I'm like you know what one more time wouldn't hurt, I have nothing to lose.

    Long story short …. been here countless times. Their arepas are to die for … I am hooked!

    I've tried both arepa con queso and arepa de choclo – I prefer arepa de choclo yet sometimes I order both to go.

    They are not here during the winter season, but definitely check out their Twitter page for updates.


    The arepa con queso is really good when eaten fresh. However once all that cheese melts I think it loses some of its flavor, it's still good, just not great. Glad to hear they opened a restaurant, now we don't have to go searching for the cart.


    I am gonna go ahead and say it, she is a Jackson Heights icon! In the warmer months, on Fri and Sat, she sets up shop around 10pm till the early morning. Her cart really doesn't have much, it's 2 types of arepas and some chuzos aka shish kabobs. Rumor has it that she will open up a restaurant sometime in 2014.

    The food:

    arepa de choclo- These arepas are grilddled corn cakes cooked in margarine. They are kind like chewier pancakes folded in half with salty cheese in between. I prefer this arepa slightly over the arepa de queso. The arepa de choclo has a great texture and the salty cheese goes great. It's a perfect late night munch.…

    arepa de queso- this arepa is a thicker but smaller arepa. The chew on this arepa is different from the choclo. This arepa is a little denser and they add a salty crumbled cheese on top. Both are excellent, but I like the choclo a little more.


    This is perhaps on of the most hyped night/ late night eats around the hood that is Jackson Heights.

    3 kinds of arepas ; Cheese with more Cheese, Chocolate, and Plain with more Cheese.

    I should have went with chocolate.

    I probably should have told the lady that I was semi lactose intolerant but I had assumed that plain arepas is essentially … PLAIN.

    It was not as it was coated with 2 inches of cheese.


    I did what any normal person would…

    I licked it off with my tongue and spit it out on a napkin.

    6 licks later a fellow Yelper had kindly reminded me that I could make this task simpler by scraping it off with either a fork or a napkin.

    FU-K again.

    I was disappointed that the Arepa Lady didn't have Chorizo Arepas as in a filling.

    So I did the next best thing.

    I ordered a size of Chuzo (Chorizo) which is basically Colombian sausage skewered by a long wooden stick.

    It also comes with a whole potato sliced in halves that is put on top of the sausage.

    The sauces that was options included lemon juice, BBQ sauce and hot sauce.

    I opted for all of these delights.

    It was delicious.

    The sausage was smoky, tender and oh so good.

    Was it worth $3.50?  Yes.

    Was the Arepa worth $4.50?  Probably not especially with the cheese.

    But the arepas was crunchy with nice texture.

    It didn't match the hype.

    But I'm sure there are a lot of arepas out there that would be put to shamed by this one so there's that.


    Arepas like I not quite like I have ever had them. They are soft and supple with a neutral cheese and a slight sweetness. There is not a crust as I would expect from a savory arepa. The cheese on top adds a balancing of savory.

    A really delicious and different snack.


    Arepa Franklin is my fave singer so it's no surprise I love the Arepa Lady. I have a lot of R-E-S-P-E-C-T for her as you found out in my "Arepas Cafe" review. But I'm more into Venezuelan and Colombian women. They are able to "shake it like a salt shakira" and that really makes me corn. Speaking of corn. This place has some of the best Arepas you will ever eat! It tastes sweet, so be prepared for a sweet-savory meal. It totally works though.

    This is the original street cart. For the restaurant, please see the listing of "Arepa Lady 2" which is every bit as delicious, close to Jackson Heights Subway station, on Roosevelt.

    And if you hear the sound of Lil' Kim or Nikki Minaj or Salt N Pepa, you're in the wrong place. That's "Arapper Lady."

    What to get: Choclo Arepa with Chorizo
    What else: What I just said. Get it. Eat it
    Is it cheap: Mid-price street arepas, but so good.
    Is it healthy: Not at all, it's a street Arepa, it's greasy as f***
    Is it worth it: It's one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth, so yes
    What is Chorizo: It's spicy Latin sausage, and this is one of the best latin sausages I've ever put in my mouth, like I said
    Did you swallow it: Yes obviously I did
    How was it: Well when I bit into it, it squirted hot juice into my mouth which made my eyes roll back because it was so warm and salty and gooey and amazing. I swallowed every drop
    Are you supposed to bite it: Yes, what else would you do with a sausage in your mouth? Swallow it whole?
    I dunno. That sounds painful: It wasn't painful. Maybe it was painful for the sausage
    Maybe: Maybe

    Did you know that "Death" was actually female? I found out when I went to "Areaper Lady."

    So I've been hearing about the Arepa Lady of Queens for many years. And I'm totally in love with Caracas Arepas (Manhattan and Brooklyn locations – La Surena), as well as Barocco (Cleveland – ropa vieja arepa), and the amazing Pabellon at Arepas Cafe, as well as Guacuco in Brooklyn too. I was delighted to learn that this Arepa Lady cart (which was a street cart, and one that was very hard to locate), now haw an actual store.

    This place is nothing like the other arepas at all. Those are healthy, manageable, moderately-sized Arepas which can be eaten without getting crazy-messy and wet and sticky and gooey (so to speak).

    Ebert's partner in movie criticism is apparently a Playboy. I have met at least 100 women that claim to be a former flame of his. Just last night I was on a date with a girl that said she was "Aroeper Lady."

    These Arepas, on the other hand, are more like Patacon Pisao, but better… as gooey and messy as Aretha herself, when she worked with George Michael on "I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)." The chorizo is juicy and hot and crunchy and spicy and cooked to perfection. The gooey white cheese inside the arepa is heavenly. The corn is a little sweet and extremely sexy. It's so good, that no words I could possibly write on this page would do justice to it. So simply get over here and try one. Order what I ordered.

    I kinda like girls that are serial killers. On dating websites it's like "what kind of girl do you want" and I'm like "Aripper Lady."

    And Garland added that if they served Army food, dished out by the aforementioned ripper lady, she'd be "Aration Lady"

    Be warned, it's extremely greasy, messy, and hard to eat. It's also enormously hugistical. Which means, bigger than Hugh Grand and Hugh Jackman combined. It's as big as Hugh Jass. Well almost as big as Hugh Jass. And eating it will help you become more like Hugh Jass.

    I want to date one of Kelly Ripa's sisters. I've always wanted "Aripa Lady." Especially if she holds up banks. In which case she'll also be "Arobber Lady." And if she likes to holiday in the Caribbean. Then she can be my "Aruba Lady." I'll buy her a pair of sunglasses so she can be "Arayban Lady." But no matter what, she can never make Choclo Arepas as delicious as these.

    Queens is full of absolutely incredible foods, from Jugos Prontito to Sammy's Halal, from Ganesh Canteen to Xi'an in Flushing. But Arepa Lady is right up there. Top 10 in the borough. Top 20 in all of NYC. It's just… that… delicious. It's a little hard to find but it's so worth it when you get there. Which is exactly what she said. And I didn't have any trouble finding it by the way. Not this place, and not the other thing either.

    I can't get a real girlfriend anyway. Hence I had to buy this polyurethane reinforced latex doll. I may not have a real lady. But at least I have "Arubber Lady."

    And I'm finally getting married… to a girl from the Italian capital, who is also a gypsy. Which is awesome, because I always wanted to marry "A-roma lady." She smells nice too, hence "Aroma."


    Stopped in for a quick arepa on a food tour with Eat Your World! Decadent, buttery, cheesy simple goodness.

    Absolutely worth a stop when you're in the neighborhood!


    Late night goodness! Street food at it's best and a stop worth your while! That is all :).

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