Asia Restaurant

Asia Restaurant

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

1 review


    Oh Asia Restaurant…I give them credit for not falling into the the trap that many fast-food Chinese places fall into in which all their food looks and tastes alike.

    This place is most definitely the same kinds of offerings with extra stuff, better presentation, better taste, etc.

    I would say they're about 1 or 2 notches above your standard quickie Chinese food joint. The dumplings here are okaaaaaaay. By no stretch of the imagination are they better than anything sold in Chinatown – but still, not as bad as others I've had.

    I'll definitely be back here when I need cheap Chinese food that isn't sub par and is conveniently located to my apartment – OH! And they deliver – quickly and nicely packaged might I add :).

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