Brooklyn Uncorked

Brooklyn Uncorked

Good for Groups: Yes

Price range.

$$$ Price range $31-60

1 review

  1. What a fantastic evening!
    We purchased tickets weeks in advance and arrived at the door, approximately 15 minutes before the door opened at 6PM. And even then, there were quite a number of people waiting to get in. But thankfully, promptly at 6PM, the doors opened, we all received wrist bands, and the drinking and eating began.

    There are tables and tables and tables of mostly Brooklyn and Manhattan vendors and breweries that come with enough fare and libation to last you at least a couple of hours.

    I'd recommend getting to the event as soon as you can, to get yourself a free wine glass and fork to dine with, because if not, you'd end up drinking and eating out of plastic cups and dinnerware. You can also bring the wine glass back home as a souvenir! I'd say that they had enough wine glasses and forks for the first 150-200 people to enter the event.

    This event is a food AND wine event, as opposed to other similar events that happen throughout the Spring and Summer, that usually only have food vendors. So, instead of going to the bar to get myself a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, or a whiskey neat, I had to take the time to stop at a table to pretend to be interested in their wine-making process and listen to their schpeal about why their wines were better than that of the table next to theirs. It's a time-consuming process, especially since I just personally wanted to eat more food.

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Hanson Place 1
11243 NY US
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