Cafe Space 212

Cafe Space 212

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6 reviews


    Been here twice.  Both times it wasn't crowded.  Both times it was so dark I couldn't see my own hand.

    Drinks are cheap.  Popcorn is free.  Decent if you are looking for a place to drink and you don't want to wait in a long line to get into a rooftop bar.  

    If you ask them nicely and no one is there, which usually is the case, they will turn the lights on a little bit so you can make sure you are sitting with your friends.

    This place is good for a big group especially if you don't want to be bothered by other people.  

    I remember having Ginger Soju here and I liked it.


    Space is like an alcoholic cafe. Tons of tables to sit at, complimentary popcorn, and you will be chatting the night away with some friends while sippin on some soju. Not going to get buck wild here but good spot to chillax and kick it in K-town.


    A good place to end a night on the way to the 33rd street path as the service is always friendly and they're open late.  Whatever the yougurt drinks have a sweet taste but a dangerous effect.

    How much booze is actually in a shot of this stuff?  I dont think its a lot, but somehow I drink too much of it and pay for it in the morning.  If you see me around the city or Hoboken this week…I'm the guy limping around after my visit to Space last night and ensuing trip down the stairs.  Awesome.


    So…..the downstairs part of Space is closed…forever? Im not sure..
    The upstairs is still there though.
    Its become a really quiet lounge/bar.  
    They still dont card and have come up with some really odd mixtures for drinks here..
    I dont recommend the peach was not a happy morning after haha.
    Too many different liquids going on in that.
    Other than that, the prices arnt too bad, a little cheaper than the other spots in K-town.


    What a dump!  When I rented an old house with my friends in college, we used to throw parties in the basement and I have to say that our set-up was more luxurious than Space 212.


    If you want someplace completely empty, this place has been virtually uninhabited every time I've been there. Which is many. Not necessarily a bad thing. Some people use it as a work space, and if you ask them to turn the music off they will, because no one else is there. I keep thinking it will go out of business but I think it's associated with the bar downstairs so their accounts balance. It's a little odd because they serve alcohol due to the bar influence, and they don't have any food, so it's not what you'd expect from a cafe. Also the decor is a little mixed up, plastic chairs plus a homey lamp, I don't know how to describe it off hand but it's a tad confused decor-wise, though mostly it's got a consistent feel to it… i suppose because the lighting is somewhat dim and bar-like, and yet the chairs are white plastic and seem like they would belong in a differently lit place.

    I stopped going here because it was weird to be sitting there with the one employee staring at you, and at one point this korean lady whom I think was the owner, started to hang around there in like, her sweatpants, and this made it even more awkward because she wasn't a congenial type or anything, though she didn't seem mean either, she kind of had the air of a boss watching over her small business and there was something stifling about it.

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