Chi Dumpling House

Chi Dumpling House

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Bike Parking: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

3 reviews

  1. Soggy steamed dumplings.
    Bland beef noodle soup.
    General Tso –  What a joke. There's more fried skin than meat.

    The sauces are also watered down. I suspect the cleanliness of this place because I had a stomach ache right after. If you want to try a decent dumpling house, opt for Vanessa's or Prosperity instead. They are relatively close by.

  2. 5 dumplings for $1.50. Not bad at all.
    But the dumplings just weren't good. The filling honestly looked and tasted (or what I imagine a turd to taste like) like a small turd and the more disappointing part was that the dumplings were supposed to be pan-fried but I think they probably sat on the frying pan for 2 seconds max because they had zero crispy texture. I didn't like the sauces they offered either. It was difficult to force myself to eat even three dumplings. I made my friend eat the other two because I'm a jerk like that and I hate wasting food. But I guess spending $1.50 on a mistake isn't too bad.
    On to the next dumpling place in Chinatown in search of the perfect dumpling!

  3. My first visit to Chi Dumpling House took place on a weekday, 5:30-ish. The actual Chi restaurant resembles many of its contemporaries in the five dumplings for a buck market. However, the difference here is that there is more seating and judging from the large menu placards on the shop windows, the food choices are more extensive. I just wanted to try the dumplings to get see if they are a good barometer for everything else. On this note, I was left wanting.

    Simple pork and chive pan-fried dumplings are $1.25 for five. I don't mind paying an extra quarter for good dumplings, so that isn't an issue for me. Dumplings, I feel, are really a matter of one's tastes, and  for those of you who like dumplings that are elongated with a thick dough wrapper, these are the dumplings for you. The filling was a bit oily, but I felt something about them wasn't so fresh. I was served dumplings sitting in a warmer, which I feel is okay, but something was still off about them.

    I was also given two sauces to go with my dumpling order, a sweet soy sauce and ostensibly a hot sauce. For some reason, the hot sauce wasn't spicy at all and was a bit off color and tasted a bit old. I think it may have been the handmade house-sauce. Perhaps it tasted better when it was fresh?

    Finally, perhaps the lack of customers was a sign that things aren't so good here. Nonetheless, I would try other dishes besides the dumplings on another visit. Perhaps they would do other things better.

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