Chimney Cake

Chimney Cake

Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes

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2 reviews


    Love at first bite! I found this place at the Winter Village at Bryant Park, and this tops the list as one of my favorite desserts.

    Chimney Cake w/Peanut Butter Filling – Heavenly. This old Hungarian dessert was like Christmas in my mouth. It's dough wrapped around a stick and baked. Sounds simple, but it's like a super saiyan churro. When it's baked and ready, the pastry chef spreads your choice of topping on the inside (e.g. chocolate, caramel, brown sugar, peanut butter). I highly recommend the peanut butter. Just the right amount of sweet.

    The perfect dessert.


    Just a few words get here and try out this unique desert rolled goodness…I am not a sweets fan but this is good and filled full of paw nut butter or Nutella. Melts as soon as you have it put in don't need to say more…perfect snack on a nice brisk or any night.

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6th Avenue 1060
New York 10018 NY US
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