Chinese-Korean Restaurant

Chinese-Korean Restaurant

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1 review

  1. I walked in because the restaurant said it was a Chinese-Korean restaurant. I love Korean-Chinese food, so I was hoping to get some jja ja myun. No such luck. Perhaps this restaurant is a Chinese's version of Korean food?

    It's pretty hardcore. There were only Koreans in the restaurant and I'm pretty sure no one spoke English. It's a rather nice little restaurant, very clean, pristine, and has interesting wooden light fixtures for decoration. Just a small cozy little restaurant with really intense Korean food.

    I ordered a soy bean soup and I had forgotten to ask for it to be mild, so it came to me just on the edge of unable-to-eat-spicyness. I love spicy food; in all other restaurants, I ask for my food to be very spicy. Only in Korean restaurants I beg for my food to be made mild.

    This is the sort of restaurant that I would bring my parents to for a Korean's Korean restaurant.

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