Cooler Cleanse LLC

Cooler Cleanse LLC

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$$$$ Price range Ultra High-End

2 reviews

  1. I decided to try the Cooler Cleanse because I had been eating a lot of junk food over Super Bowl weekend.  Prior to that I was eating healthy since the New Year and I felt I needed to mentally and physically do a quick reboot.  I have tried juicing before, using my own juicer, and wasn't a huge fan.  I thought I'd give it another go and try using one of the various companies.  I chose Cooler Cleanse because they are local and a little more affordable than others.

    I chose the 3 day cleanse.  My juice came on time as scheduled through Fed Ex.  I made it basically the entire three days and I was never hungry.  At times I missed chewing, so once a day I would have about 5-10 raw cashews.  As others have said, I had trouble getting through all 6 drinks every day and I ended up with 5 left over.  That was unexpected and felt like a waste of money.  I never felt weak or light headed.  I had a very slight headache on the first day.  The one thing I noticed though was by day 3, I was an emotional train wreck. I felt like I was holding tears back the entire day.  I have no clue if this had anything to do with the cleanse, but felt it was worth mentioning.  Customer service was good.  I received a few emails throughout the cleanse and that did provide some support and motivation.  

    As far as the juices- like others have said, drinks 1 and 3, the green drinks, were tough to get through.  I don't care for green drinks in general though.  Drinks 2 & 4 varied each day and were typically fruit juices.  These were my favorite: spicy lemonade, watermelon lime, pineapple ginger & grapefruit mint.  However I hated the coconut water, as in nearly lost it just at the smell.  I don't like coconut water in general so this is not a surprise.  The red one, which is drink 5, and you drink every day, was okay.  It was drinkable but I wouldn't say I looked forward to it.  Drink 6, the almond milk, was like a milkshake but had a really strange after taste for me.  I didn't drink these because at this point each day I just couldn't get through another drink and it didn't taste good enough for me to force down.

    All in all, I'm satisfied with my experience.  I felt lighter and I lost about 5 pounds, which was a nice bonus.  After just 24 hours people noticed that my face slimmed out.  I tend to get a little swollen in my face when I eat garbage.  I'm definitely turned off by junk food right now.  My belly did hurt after my first solid food, but that's my own fault- I jumped back in too fast.  I did this with the goal of returning to healthy habits with refreshed motivation, and I believe I reached this goal.  Can't say if I would ever do it again or not though, but I wouldn't rule it out yet either.

  2. I like to do a juice cleanse about once per quarter & when it seemed like the options here in SF had all seen their turn, I was seeking alternatives.

    Not being opposed to cross-country deliveries (having done BPC before), this time I chose Cooler Cleanse for my quarterly reboot

    They offer one cleanse option which took out all the guesswork & given I usually went all out w/ the Green Cleanses in the past, I was looking forward to seeing how mixing in fruits would affect my experience & results

    Initial opinion….this was a pleasure!  Fruits like apple & watermelon are used to sweeten their juices ( as opposed to lemon ) & it really helps to lessen the severe side-effects that cleanses usually have on one's system…, due to the minimal lemon, there were ZERO acidic-stomach issues like I'd seen w/ my last couple of all-veggie

    Sweetening drinks w/ apple juice over lemon juice is genius & thanks to Cooler Cleanse for taking this route!

    Final opinion…..if you're looking for a nice refreshing break for your insides instead of an internal boot camp like I've found w/ the all-veggie rounds – mix it up w/ fruits & nut milks

    Speaking of milks & such… fav bottles were the coconut water ( which was incredible ) & most especially the Hemp Milk.  Although the Almond Milk was all kinds of delish as well, that hemp was crave-worthy!

    I also really, really liked the Red Essentials which had beets & carrots & as I think back, I just found every bottle to offer such variety that I always looked forward to my next serving

    Final results?  5 days; 5 lbs gone; ZERO stomach issues!  Was never hungry & had lots of energy… all around!

    Personally, I loved the Cooler Cleanse experience & would totally do it again in a heartbeat…, say, next quarter?

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