The awakening hour passed, with a delightful friend, we succumb to quick eats at the local Dunkin' Donuts. Seating is very limited to a window ledge, not a true table with chairs as space is small. Price is very moderate for one breakfast sandwich with drink for one person without any add-ons. My turkey with bacon roll tasted dry as it was in dire need of honey mustard sauce or ketchup condiment. I love hash browns despite of the high cholesterol and grease content which is not beneficial for my body intake or weight, thereby I stole one piece from my sweet delightful friend.
This Dunkin' Donuts staff is fluent in Spanish to cater the Washington Heights Spanish community. WiFi is readily available.
C'est La Vie– such is life!!
The awakening hour passed, with a delightful friend, we succumb to quick eats at the local Dunkin' Donuts. Seating is very limited to a window ledge, not a true table with chairs as space is small. Price is very moderate for one breakfast sandwich with drink for one person without any add-ons. My turkey with bacon roll tasted dry as it was in dire need of honey mustard sauce or ketchup condiment. I love hash browns despite of the high cholesterol and grease content which is not beneficial for my body intake or weight, thereby I stole one piece from my sweet delightful friend.
This Dunkin' Donuts staff is fluent in Spanish to cater the Washington Heights Spanish community. WiFi is readily available.