Fu Shen Restaurant Inc

Fu Shen Restaurant Inc

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Bike Parking: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Has TV: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

1 review


    Today is one of those days where some alone time is needed, not really alone since I have the baby. It's a windy cold day here in NYC and nothing better than a bowl of hot noodle soup to warm up. For moms like myself, finding a place to eat in the area is hard, a stroller does take up some space, but for this place, it isn't so bad.

    I treated myself to an order of Beef Cakes and a bowl of Satay Beef Noodles. First, let's talk about the noodles. You get a choice between several types of noodles, I chose mei fun. The feeling of warmth and comfort was just so satisfying when the steam of the broth fogged up my glasses. The aroma of the satay broth was nutty, the slices of beef were very tender and flavorful.

    Although the Beef Cakes were supposedly an appetizer, it came when I was half way into my noodles, well you can expect this to happen almost every time you're in Chinatown….. or did they just saved the best for last?!

    The Beef Cake is a fried dough with a beef patty inside. Guys, if you by chance do order the Beef Cakes, you have to setup first. Make sure you get some napkins ready to hold on to the cake and a plate under because the thing has sooo much juice that it drips and runs out immediately you break into it. It's also pipping hot, so eat with caution. I must say, it was tremendously delicious! Juicy, beefy, garlicky….just delicious!

    The only thing that could've made my experience perfect was that they don't serve you tea/water until you request for it. Which didn't bother me at all, and of course I am definitely coming back for more food!

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