Hot Pot Jamaican & American Restaurant

Hot Pot Jamaican & American Restaurant

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Has TV: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

1 review


    *** This review is not for the faint or weak****

    OMFG!!!!! I'M literally writing this as I am clutching my stomach in pain with my pants at my ankles in the bathroom. WTF YO! So this is how it all went down let's rewind. I'm trying to figure out a protein for dinner to complete my Sandra Lee semi homemade dinner. I was across the street at the fast food place and said let me get jerk chicken from here. I walk in and the service is slow as hell. Like I stood there for what felt 8 mins waiting for this woman to serve this man some Rice,  veggies and whatever meat he choice. Literally molasses moves faster than her. At this point I'm debating with myself if I should leave and go somewhere else. I go against my gut feeling and stay.

    It's finally my turn and I ask a few questions about ordering jerk chicken only and sizing. Great she starts. I ask if there is jerk pork. NOPE. I ask if there is soup. NOPE. NOTHING AND IT'S 7:00 PM. Ok I'll take my chicken and go. Man when I get in the house and seen the massacre in my tin foil I felt sorrow for that poor bird.

    I warm it up. (I probably shouldn't have needed to being I'm only 5 mins away and the chicken was sitting in a freaking warmer.)

    *****still in the damn bathroom****

    I eat dinner and maybe 10 mins pass and my stomach starts twisting and turning. I'm like WTF. I sit thinking maybe it's gas. It's like 88 degrees outside and I'm now sweating and asking what the hell is going on. I run to the bathroom only for my kid to be taking a bath. Run to the next on and I tell you no lie if I had waited 2 seconds longer I would've gone on myself. As an adult woman I feel some kinda way because 1. This bs is happening and 2. I'm telling yall about it. Now I'm back for round 2 of jerk chicken vs my anus. And I'm losing.

    Hey yall don't have to worry about me stopping by again. Lesson learned.

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