Jimmy Buff’s

“I'm 68 and have been eating BUFF'S since I was 14 in Newark,N.J. The double dog, double sausage / combo or "chicken" are the best buy for the $.”

“Tuesdays are fat Tuesdays where you can get double (x2 meat) for a single price, and the line gets out the door.”

“The employees are extremely friendly and the portion size for a single is incredible.”

Jimmy Buff’s

Take-out: Yes
Bike Parking: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

8 reviews


    Holy Crap am I full.  No, seriously, I feel like I'm going to explode.  Ever see Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life"?  You know, the scene where the waiter convinces Mr. Creosote to eat just one "wafer thin mint?"  "it's only a tiny, little thin one"…yeah, THAT's how I feel right now.

    In all my years in Jersey I had never eaten at any of the Jimmy Buff's locations (even the one my father worked at as a kid-the one in Kenilworth), and this I tell you is a travesty.  I honestly think I just ate the least healthy thing I have ever eaten in my life.

    So, I am going to disagree with my Yelp buddy Pasquale who thinks these are the worst dogs in Jersey, but I can't give it the five star treatment like Liz D. either.  If you like Italian hot dogs this is a place you HAVE to try.  If you're on a diet don't even pull into the parking lot.  I was going to do a 'double' like my co-workers, but being a bit of a purist I wanted to try the hot dog and the sausage on separate sandwiches.  Flavor-wise I think this was the right decision…though my stomach may not agree with me right now as I sit waiting to explode.

    As everyone else has written-you get a ripper (hot dog or sausage cooked in hot oil) onions, peppers, what seems like a whole sliced potato-also fried in the hot oil, mustard and ketchup, on 1/4 of a loaf of round Italian pizza bread.  And yes, my dumb ass had one hot dog and one sausage.  I'm telling you again, this is, to quote Liz D, "greasy, fatty, over-the-top DELICIOUS."  Jimmy Buffs is truly a New Jersey Institution-home of the original Italian Hot Dog, and there's a reason it's been around since 1932.  

    I think I brought a tear to my Dad's eye when I sent him a picture of the Jimmy Buff's sign-he said it brought back  "old and dear memories of my past."  Now that he's in Florida and can't get good ol' Jersey food, he's gotta live vicariously through me sometimes.    Wish I could sit down and have one with him…tomorrow though-I'd wish for it tomorow because I can't eat anything else today.


    I've made trips from near and far to Jimmy Buff's to feast on their awesome hot dogs. These are not just hot dogs, however. As the other reviewers have stated, you get dug out italian bread filled with fried potatoes, peppers, and onions that have been cooked up in some tasty grease. Slather it in mustard and you've got a real Jimmy Buff's Italian hot dog. Don't come here if you want to be healthy, come here if you want a damn good hot dog.


    This legendary New Jersey hot dog joint is okay, I guess.  The place is kind of a dump, the area isn't the most glamorous, and the food . . . okay (at best).

    I was at least hoping for some fat Italian guy in a Yankees hat to ask me what I wanted.  Instead, some middle-aged hispanic guy appeared from a back room and just kind of looked at me.  I took that as my cue to order, so I did.

    I had to try their famous Italian hot dog.  Sweet peppers, onions, and potatoes, covering a thin hot dog atop a thick slice of Italian bread (mustard is spread lightly on the bread and a generous amount of ketchup topped the mammoth concoction).  When my order was ready, it was just too much.  The potatoes were overkill.  I had to remove about 3/4 of them to even have an opportunity to get my mouth around it.  It's not the most user-friendly dog.  Unless items are removed, it really requires a knife and fork (a plastic fork was provided).

    I made the necessary adjustments and sampled my first Italian dog.


    Not my thing.  Difficult to eat, way too heavy on the potatoes . . . I ordered a regular hot dog as backup in case the Italian dog was too crazy.  And it was.

    It wasn't awful, but it wasn't anything that was ever going to bring me back to the joint.

    2.5 stars but, since that's not an option and I don't feel it's worthy of 3 stars, I'll throw it a 2.


    "Oh, Jimmy…Jimmy! Oh, Jimmy Buff's, can't get enough!"

    Alright, I'll admit. The song is catchy…aaaaand the food is tasty!

    I like these types of places. It's good, it's local, and it's Jersey. There's a lot of history behind Jimmy Buff's, and frankly, I'm glad that I was able to finally taste *the* Italian hot dog from this New Jersey institution.

    Double Combo ($7.38) (A): Wowzers! What I ordered was a double serving of hot dog and sausage wrapped up in a mustard-slathered Italian bread alongside peppers and onions. To top it off, thick slices of potato are lined up across the top then doused with a generous amount of ketchup. Bite into the hot dog and sausage and you will get a nice "snap" with it. The potatoes were cooked perfectly and the onions and peppers went well with everything. I liked the hot dog, but the sausage was probably my favorite.

    Sorry, but if you're looking for a heart healthy lunch with an orange-lemon-carrot-zucchini smoothie, this isn't the place for you. Jimmy Buff's is a calorie counter's worst nightmare–or secret sinful desire.

    …and don't worry about the sandwiches clogging your heart's arteries. I mean, c'mon–your heart has six of them after all.


    I only eat at Jimmy's in the Buff, which is why I usually get arrested when about halfway done with my proverbial juicy hot dog. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a regular, and Warren Buffet and Jimmy Buffett were just here yesterday sharing a combo. And right now, Warren's probably somewhere teaching Carrie Underwood how to shoot a combo. And he don't know.

    WHAT TO GET: A Combo, but the smaller one.
    WHAT IS IT: Two different hot dogs on a huge bizarre bun with potatoes and other delights.
    WHAT DELIGHTS: Well, ketchup, but ask for none if you're not into it
    ANYTHING ELSE: Get peppers, onions, mustard on there if you want

    Jimmy used to be an exterminator known as "Jimmy Bugs."

    One of the most underappreciated gems in Jersey. Yes it has four stars, but if you're into famous and delicious hot dogs, this is literally as good as it gets. It is probably one of the best half dozen hot dogs in the whole world, to be honest. Maybe Ted's of Buffalo? Definitely Heid's of Syracuse. Several in Chicago. Hot Bagel Shop of Houston maybe. The Mexican Street Dogs of Cali…. and this place.

    Jimmy used to sell hot dogs for a dollar at "Jimmy Bucks."

    It's absolutely enormous. Get the smaller combo because the large one (in her words) "basically just has more bread), and there's more than enough bread to begin with. The adorable Donna R. tells me this is a Newark tradition known as "Pizza Bread." You learn something new every other day, but some days you learn two things and it really messes up the legitimacy of the saying.

    Jimmy also sells cakes at "Jimmy Bundts."

    Bear in mind this is the original location, smaller and cozier and more run down than the newer one, but I like the hot dogs slightly better at the other one, and the service too for that matter. But you can't go wrong at either place. Off-the-charts deliciousness. Probably the best place to eat in the whole Newark area if not Jersey itself… if you like hot dogs.

    Jimmy sells Sesame St merchandise at "Jimmy Berts (and Ernies)."

    The star of the show is – as it should be – the juicy hot duo of contradictory yet amazingly complementary sausages, which squirt juice into your mouth instantly as any big hot sausage should.

    He has a location in Germany known as "Jimmy Brats."

    If you're into hot dogs, or sampling local delicacies, make sure you journey down here or to the other spot in Kenilworth nearby, and put one of these babies in your mouth. If your mouth is good enough.

    I believe they've won lots of hot dog trophies. And Jimmy Buffs his trophies with a cloth every single night after work.

    He used to prefer boobies, when he was "Jimmy Bust."

    But now he's into the booty, and is known as "Jimmy Butts."


    Italian hot dogs may have been my most favorite discovery since moving to Jersey almost two years ago. Just hearing about the concept makes my mouth water: bread stuffed with deep fried hot dogs, onions, peppers, and crispy fried potatoes.

    This place may be the originator of the Italian Dog, but I wasn't really impressed.

    The flavors of the onions and peppers weren't fully developed. Even worse, the potatoes were greasy (and this is coming from somebody who doesn't mind a little grease) and didn't maintain their crispiness well.

    Service crossed the line from "delightfully brusque" to bad. Trust me, I'm Chinese, I have a lifetime of going to Chinese Restaurants. I have a high tolerance for bad service.

    Well, another place checked off for the New Jersey Hot Dog tour.


    I really enjoyed the Italian Dog I had at Jimmy Buff's. Bread was tasty. Dog's were cooked good. Onions and peppers were fine and I thought the potatoes were (almost) perfect (had the potatoes been seasoned they would have been perfect).


    Kind of got lost getting here from jersey city, but as soon as i got to there location in west orange they had plenty of parking space (their own lot). I go in, ask what they were famous for and thats what i recieved!…a hot dog split, fried, on a flat split bread, with onions, potatoes and ketchup….was about 5$, and well worth the drive, so juicy!…its like the bread soaked up all the flavors and made the whole meal come togeather!….i mean place is awesome, bumped into the owner after i ate heading back to my car,even asked how it was, and i told him pretty good…if you are around that area of new jersey its a must try….i mean..jimmy buffs has been around for a long time, and now i see why! I will definately be back for more food in the near future lol

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Monday, 10:30 am - 8:30 pm
Tuesday, 10:30 am - 8:30 pm
Wednesday, 10:30 am - 8:30 pm
Thursday, 10:30 am - 8:30 pm
Friday, 10:30 am - 9:30 pm
Saturday, 10:30 am - 9:30 pm
Sunday, 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm