Kill It Then Grill It

Kill It Then Grill It

Take-out: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Inexpensive

2 reviews

  1. This is, without a doubt, the best meat on sticks truck on Grand btw Bowery and Christie. No one can compete with this guy.

    $1.25. Get 10 and get one free. I mean, come on… that's a freak'n deal ! Sure you might get food poisoning and/or diarrhea… But, you could also get hit by a cab right now. Life isn't worth living without a few risks…

    Beef is solid choice. Lamb tends to be fatty but it's my fav. Chicken is ok. Unlike your Thursday nights, skip the balls, of fish. Ditto the squid, cuz it's always way too overcooked and thus, rubbery.

    Ask for your stick to be spicy. Pause. It's not really hot, it's more like added "flavor" or poison depending on your outlook on life.

  2. My buddy, Jerome swears by this place.  Sometimes he'll be standing right next to the cart, dropping the M, F & S bombs in between chewing on his sticks of meat and you'd have to stand back or be hit by bits of gristle.  DOH would probably drop them to a C if they saw this (as if they weren't already a C).

    Like in the Hall & Oates song, they only come out at night and it's for meateaters to chew it up.  Choose your favorite type of bovine, porcine, ovine or poultry flesh and they'll have it on a skewer over the coals before you can say shishkebab.  Cop a squat or sit on the wooden fruit stands that have closed for the night.  A few minutes later, you'll be masticating on charred chunks of marinated street meat.  Chicken was a little stringy though.  The lamb was a little fatty and heavy on the cumin, but disappeared just as fast as the chicken.  They'll ask if you want it spicy hot, so I tried it and it warmed my mouth somewhat.  $1.25 per stick and buy 10 to get one free.  Time to get carnivorating.

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