La Flor del Paraiso

La Flor del Paraiso

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Bike Parking: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Good for Groups: Yes
Has TV: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

1 review


    The designation of #4 denoting the fourth of  La Flor's locations speaks to a business doing it right, whatever 'it' is.
    And the 'it' at La Flor del Paraiso is the great food at a very reasonable price. As it was my first time inside I scanned the large glass counter hoping for some empanadas and chorizo, which is a common item within the eateries along this strip of Jamaica Ave.

    After not seeing any food that would be served for breakfast I reached for their menu while dreaming about how fantastic I believe their lunch meals would be. Hot trays kept pouring out of the kitchen being set in place behind the glass counter, the steam was immense and the smells intense.

    I ordered the Mangu Con Huevo, O Queso Y Salami O Jamon, how's that for a mouthful? Broiled then mashed green plantains with two over easy eggs, cheese and salami. Gross weight? It felt like seven pounds and sits in my belly feeling every bit of seven and a half.

    The menus strengths appear to be breakfast dishes, Rice & Soupy Rice, 27 seafood menu items ranging from $11.00 to $30.00, same number of meat items from $8.50 to $10.00, two a bit more expensive at $17.00 & $18.00.

    Very clean and attractive decor inside, heaping portions at a reasonable price makes me want to return for lunch, or maybe dinner as I'll be still full when lunchtime rolls around.

    FYI: Full bar!

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