Mee Li Fruits & Vegs., Co.

Mee Li Fruits & Vegs., Co.

Price range.

$ Price range Inexpensive

3 reviews

  1. The vegetables are super large and fresh. There is less variety, but I feel they are fresher than Hong Kong Supermarket vegetables. The ginger is $1.20 a pound and they sell it in individual pieces whereas HK sells it in bags. Although, I sometimes cheat and just take buy the pieces that spilled out of the bags. The taro and daikon radishes always look beautiful whereas at HK, sometimes they look good, sometimes they don't. Just point at what you want and pay in cash.

  2. During my weekly ritual of Yum Cha plus more, I came here to pickup some veggies. Price is reasonable as service is okay.

  3. A great way to get fresh produce if you're shopping at Po Wing Hong (which doesn't sell it). You point out what you want, they weigh it and put it in a plastic bag, and you pay (cash only). They don't have space to display everything on the storefront, so you can ask if they have something in the back (snow peas come to mind).

    Prices are comparable to nearby Hong Kong Supermarket, but generally speaking I've found fruits to be cheaper in HK and vegetables to be cheaper here. In most cases I also find the stuff here to be more fresh.

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