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3 reviews


    I got to try the Ginger Wasabi and it won me over completely!  

    The display at the Chelsea Bazaar event was the cutest one there.

    Me and my friends brought two small boxes of our favorite flavors. Also I got to try the creamiscle…so yummy like the actual ice pop =)


    If a nice man in a cool bow tie came up to you and asked you to try his marshmallows, would you?

    Yes. Yes you would.

    I was introduced to MitchMallows at a Yelp event in Queens (the now famous Summer Stunner!). Free samples of food everywhere, and, of course, I had to go for dessert first. Trays of colorful confectionary blocks drew me in immediately. Flavor tags reading "Cremesicle", "Wasabi Ginger", and "Pretzels & Beer" made me scratch my head with a happy curiosity.

    I partook.

    I was pleased!

    I will admit, marshmallows are not "my thing". Even as I advance in my years, I still have these food texture quirks that haunt me from my childhood. However, a handcrafted marshmallow trumps a prepackaged, mass manufactured one any day of the week. It's a lighter and spongier texture that's simple fresh.

    Not to be selfish and try them all, I only tried a few flavors but was pleasantly satiated. My friend Lori and I tried the special churro flavor, which was divine. Literally, on the train ride to Queens, we had been discussing how we wished a churro seller would happen to walk up and down the aisles of the 7, because we had a craving. I'm not religious, but the fact that a churro marshmallow was being showcased might have been divine intervention. I also went for the banana and chocolate flavored marshmallow. That is a flavor combination you can not go wrong with! My friend partook in other flavors available and, admittedly, we showed up to the MitchMallows both MORE than once by night's end.

    Mitch, keep on makin' those mallows!


    Marshmallows, I've always liked them – in a Rice Krispies treat or in a S'More but alone they were never appealing to me. I'd eat one but that would be enough… til now

    A co-worker brought in 2 boxes, they looked so Cute and Appealing!

    Egg Nog Mallows:
    Mm! It has a slight eggnog taste and leaves with you with a warm fuzzy feeling of cinnamon and comfort in general.

    Candy Cane Peppermint/White Chocolate Mallows:
    Talk about delicious treat! The peppermint is light but its presence is definitely known. The white chocolate melds together with the marshmallow as you nom nom nom. At first I thought I liked the eggnog one more but this here is love. Mmm… shoot! That was the last one (for good reason!)

    At $12-19 for 12 'lil 1.25" cubes of fluffy goodness, for a frugal person – these just might be worth it!

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