New York Muffins

New York Muffins

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$$$ Price range Pricey

1 review


    I stopped coming here because one girl always does something disgusting to my green juice order.  I think she remembers the time I complained to her that there was two inches of air at the top of the LARGE green juice I ordered so I suggested she should not charge me for a large.  So, she started adding WATER to the green juice.  Which makes it taste like a cup of green dishwater.     (please note I had always tipped a dollar or more per green juice and definitely was not jerky about the situation)  The others who work there tend to do a fine job on making the green juice but I'm permanently turned off of the place.  

    (You can get a slightly better green juice across the street at millenium health food or a much better green juice at tiny empire.)

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