NY Brat Factory

NY Brat Factory

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes

Price range.

$$ Price range $11-30

1 review

  1. I was excited to see this place open, but color me unimpressed.

    NY Brat Factory has had a sign up for months now, so when I saw a party in there the other day I took a quick pic of the menu.  A friendly gentleman came outside and gave me a copy, saying that they were opening Monday.  I said I'd be there and so I was.  This is a small takeout space, so don't expect much for looks.  This place is supposed to be an extension of an existing Kosher sausage factor, and it looked like a lot of people who knew this place was opening were there.  Problem is, my order (2 items) took 30 minutes to come out.  Multiple people who came in after me got their food before me, including one guy who came 20 minutes after (I timed it) .  I did get a polite 'sorry', but it seemed like this place was more concerned with taking care of who they knew.

    Onto the food.  A hot dog here is $3.50, which given that it's homemade and you get a homemade bun too (choice of plain or onion) isn't terrible.  The meat is juicy, it's a normal hot dog size, and it has a nice peppery kick.  However, the other items are way overpriced.  I got a polish sausage ($8) which is supposed to be a garlic sausage with hot sauerkraut.  What I got was in no way distinguishable from the hot dog I got.  The dog itself is well made, but there was zero garlic flavor and it was the exact same size.  I'm not sure if they screwed up and gave me a hot dog instead of the right sausage, or if their sausage just all tastes alike.  
    Also stay away from the regular hot dog roll, which is far too large and hard for the meat it's holding; ironically, the non-traditional onion roll is a limit big but otherwise perfect.  Regardless, I essentially paid twice as much for what was essentially the same item.  I hope that this isn't what the owners will be sticking with; kosher or not, people are not going to return if they get ripped off like this.

    I might give this place one more shot but I'm probably sticking to a hot dog next time.  What really sucks is I literally live 1 block over and had been really looking forward to this place opening.  Kosher or not, people aren't going to be regulars if they feel like they're wasting their time.  Get it together, guys.

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Amsterdam Avenue 933
New York 10025 NY US
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Monday, 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
Tuesday, 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
Wednesday, 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
Thursday, 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
Friday, 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
Saturday, 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
Sunday, 11:00 am - 11:00 pm