Rio De La Plata Bakery Shop

“What to get: anything with Dulce De Leche
What else: let me explain the Facturas of life, son

I came here to experience my first genuine Argentinian bakery.”

“Like Natalia mentioned, visiting this lovely bakery takes me back to my childhood.”

“My favorite was this Neapolitan type pastry with layers of dulce de leche.”

Rio De La Plata Bakery Shop

Take-out: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Outdoor Seating: Yes
Has TV: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

3 reviews


    If this were owned by a funky band from the late 80s and early 90s then it would be Rio De La Soul Bakery. Whereas if it were Rio De La Playa Hata Cafe, then it would be full of people complaining about their bfs and gfs cheating on them. Actually that's kind of what it is.

    What to get: anything with Dulce De Leche
    What else: let me explain the Facturas of life, son

    I came here to experience my first genuine Argentinian bakery. I'm in love with the Colombian, Peruvian, Brazilian, Mexican versions, so why not a little Argy Bargy action?

    The service was really nice when I first walked in. When they realized that I only wanted to buy a couple of Facturas, they were a little disappointed, I could tell. I felt awkward. I'm torn between a 4 and a 5 because I didn't like that awkward feeling. Also, the Factura itself was good… but not amazing. It was a little crusty, flaky, not so fresh tasting. The dulce de leche inside was a little hypersweet and syrupy and chemical tasting.

    Yet despite all this I really enjoyed the experience, and I understand that these little things are wildly popular in Argentina, and what I like most about this place, other than the idea of it and the lovely decor, is that the prices are absolutely bargain basement. You can get almost anything for 50 cents or a dollar, and that is remarkable. I don't know how they make a living with those prices, but for such a bargain, even though it didn't rock my world, I have to give a 5 star.

    And besides, they were very good. Just not mindblowing like the Colombian stuff nearby at Gata Golosa. Garland heard this place was actually opened by a German in 1947. Nothing to it I'm sure.

    And if it were Rio De La Plating Cafe, then let's just say that absolutely nobody, ever, should go there.


    Stopped by on New Years Day looking to get a cake on our way to grandma's. I didn't think they'd be open but I saw people coming and going and was pretty surprised!

    The people there were SO nice. I was looking for like a strawberry shortcake but the super nice lady helping me told me that most of their cakes were dulce de leche cakes with layers of different fruit – they had strawberry, pineapple, and peach available and I went with the strawberry. I got a smallish cake (that would feed our group of 6 with plenty to spare!) that was $16. It was honestly way too sweet for us so unfortunately most of it went to waste – but it was totally my fault since I knew it was a dulce de leche and those tend to be really sweet!

    I also picked up half a dozen empanadas at $1.75 each. There was a bounty of different types of bread (a guy was refilling baskets going "caliente!" as he walked behind them – fresh out of the oven and hot)! Wish we had more time to explore but we were running late. The empanadas were SO GOOD, even eating them a day later. I would definitely go back for those!

    They also have sandwiches and what looked like hot dishes here as well – wish my Spanish was better!!!


    I grew up eating facturas and I was delighted to discover that this place was within walking distance of where I live now. They have a decent selection of various facturas, along with cakes, fiambres, and empanadas. They also have a selection of pre-packaged Argentine goods, like alfajores, chimchurri, and dulce de leche.

    As for the food itself? Pretty good. Probably as close as one can get to facturas from Argentina without actually being in Argentina. Service can be a bit curt at times, but otherwise, a pretty solid place with really cheap pastries and goodies.

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Corona Avenue 94-65
11368 NY US
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Monday, 6:30 am - 9:30 pm
Tuesday, 6:30 am - 9:30 pm
Wednesday, 6:30 am - 9:30 pm
Thursday, 6:30 am - 9:30 pm
Friday, 6:30 am - 9:30 pm
Saturday, 6:30 am - 9:30 pm
Sunday, 6:30 am - 8:30 pm