Sushi Citi

Sushi Citi

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2 reviews


    Since starting work at Gotham Center in October, I've been here for lunch about 10 times (which is a lot considering I typically bring lunch 4/5 days of the week). The portions are incredibly generous. Their bibimbap is chock full of vegetables, and if eaten carefully, can last two meals. Their soondubu is definitely 1.5 portions, and if you take it home and eat it with a little more rice, it will last you another full meal. The soondubu is always what I want when it's cold outside, but my desire for soondubu is sometimes outweighed by my desire to stay warm (it's not a LONG walk from Gotham, but it's not SHORT either, and there's definitely wind tunnels on the way).

    Sometimes you have to wait a while to order, and wait a while for your food to arrive. But it's always worth it. I have yet to try the sushi, or the rice bowls, but when I do, I'll update this review.


    Really? This is not yet listed on Yelp?

    I realize it is hidden in a corner nook in an inconspicuous spot within a behemoth corporate structure (Citicorp at Court Square), but for those of you who work in Long Island City (as I did one day per week last year for my weekly clinic at LaGuardia Community College), this is a lunchtime saving grace.

    How did I find it you ask? Well… It is connected to the Court Square subway line (E,G,M,7). I once had to pee… I asked the security guard in the Citibank building if I could use a restroom. He said no. But, he directed me to the atrium food court and said there was a bathroom within L.A. Pizzeria to the far right.

    When I left, I noticed this Korean uncle and auntie preparing lunch… and thought I should come back, they have sun dubu, bi bim bop (rice or soba), sushi, miso udon, lots of vegetarian noodle options, etc…

    So, I came back one day for lunch… and this corner Korean spot located within L.A. Pizzeria was packed (!). I had to wait for at least 7 people before I could order. It predominantly serves the corporate sector that presumably works in the Citibank center… but it also clearly caters to the Asian employees that work within that corporate sector (South Asia, East Asia, SE Asia?…)

    Now it's not the best Korean, obviously. They are only open for lunch. BUT let me tell you, for lunch in those parts, those broths were soothing, healing and perfect for the time/place. Because the only other choices for lunch in those parts are crappy food bar food from L.A. Gourmet, blah pizza or overpriced salads.

    I definitely recommend if and only if you need lunch, during the day, while in Long Island City.

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