Venice Pizzeria & Restaurant

“LOVE LOVE LOVE it and I will always be a loyal customer.”

“Try it and you will love it, great delivery service also.”

“I would always be excited to go there after school when I was a toddler and just holding their hot yet perfectly elastic slice, made my mouth watery!”

Venice Pizzeria & Restaurant

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Good for Groups: Yes
Caters: Yes

Price range.

$$ Price range $11-30

2 reviews


    Believe it or not ladies & gentlemen, the best Italian place in the Bronx is owned by Asians. Slowly but surely, we are taking over the world.

    Maybe "Italian place" is a bit of a stretch. But we all know one of life's little secrets: That Mexicans make the best pizza. And here I present to you, the working man's Chicken Parmigiana Hero. I say 'working man' because it is not meant to be served on a plate. It is on-the-go, tin-foiled, crispy, creamy, goodness. You eat the first half and you're suddenly transported to an umami dimension. You eat the second half and you're back in real life, sad because you finished your sandwich.

    I'll admit, it's seen better days. But you can blame the fat cats on Wall St. for all of the economy's cutbacks. Hell, even blame them for the lower quality in anime because that dragged out season of One Piece is a direct result in lower wages for animators. Thank you Wall St. fatties for making my life more miserable in ways I didn't foresee.

    Chicken not your fancy? You want seafood, you say? They got just the thing! Shrimp parmegiana! I know. You don't need to thank me. I won't stop you if you do though. And no, they're not stingy with the shrimp. That's a beautiful thing about the ghetto; they just pile on the goodness. Seriously, the more ghetto the neighborhood, the better the fast food.

    The Chicken Parmigiana is so good, I nicknamed my ex after it. (That explains why I've been capitalizing it).

    Oh yeah, I forgot. The slices are good too.


    I can't say anything wrong about this little hole in a wall spot. This place has amazing shrimp parm heroes and shrimp parm with spaghetti. And they are not cheap at all with the portions its just amazing how you don't have to pay that much for an excellent dish. I don't ever eat inside I always order for pick up and the owners are very friendly everyone in the neighborhood goes there for there shrimp or chicken parm dishes. They also make some really good breakfast sandwiches. I always here about people raving about their pizza I had it once I wasn't that thrilled with it. I really liked Jerry's pizzeria down the block way more. But this place makes excellent Italian dishes and this is the reason why I go there for their parm dishes.

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Unionport Road 1539
10462 NY US
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Tuesday, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Wednesday, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Thursday, 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Friday, 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Saturday, 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Sunday, 12:00 pm - 9:00 pm