Villa Pizza

Villa Pizza

Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Good for Groups: Yes

Price range.

$$ Price range $11-30

5 reviews

  1. Huge pizza shop on the corner with main floor and downstairs seating. The food is already made. Just grab a tray, order, pay, then sit or take-out. There's plastic plates and forks when you dine in. Nothing fancy……

    If the guy who made my plate was new, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but regardless, he was annoying. There's a sign that says $13.99 for a meat, choice of pasta, and salad. I asked for a chicken parmesan meal and he gives me a piece of chicken with sauce in a bowl. I said "Do I get pasta with this?" He says: "Oh, you want a meal? O.K. You get one meat and two sides." I tell him no I want the meal on the sign; One meat, pasta, and salad. He says: "Ohhhhhh! You want salad?" then proceeds to make the plate I asked for.


    Anyway, the meal was $15 with tax and was not worth it. The chicken parm wasn't awful but it was cold and I didn't enjoy it. Wrapped the rest to go and ended up throwing it out. More than likely I won't return.

  2. I stopped in here to get out of the rain for a few minutes and to use the bathroom. The place was clean and the bathroom smelled strongly of perfume scented cleaner. There were only a few people in here despite the fact that it's right in the middle of Times Square. Almost like an upscale bodega. Downstairs there was a ton of seating. I'd stop by here again if I was waiting for someone or for a potty break. I doubt I'd eat here though. Limited and expensive options.

  3. I figured since I have just reviewed the Villa Pizza in the Port Authority Bus Terminal across the street, I'd review this one here as well..which brings me to my next very first thought of this location when I saw it open was why, oh why…do you need to/would you put up another VP location when there is one right across the street? If you're trying to be Starbucks and have locations on every single corner, you're doing it wrong. Anyways, this place opened in the early 2000's I think..around when I was in middle school. It is a little better managed than the VP in the bus terminal but as that location is much smaller than this one, these things are much more discernible. So, like the location in the bus terminal, I've been coming here for quite a long time. The food is pretty much the same- same fast food Italian-American cuisine..there is additional dining space downstairs which is nice but not so much for people who have trouble getting down elevator option as that is probably not within their budget and would be very disruptive to install.  The purpose of the location is to attract the tourists for revenue as it is definitely a Times Square-area eatery..and the place is always teeming with tourists so they've accomplished that goal.

  4. Honestly, I didn't think this place was all THAT bad that it has received so many harsh reviews.  But there were a few things that my beau and I pointed out while we were eating a vegetable slice of pizza, a hot dog (which I succombed to), and a pasta salad:

    1) NO ONE WORE HAIR NETS!!!  Ughhh!! That's a violation for SURE!

    2) Everything was handed with BARE hands at this place.  I pray they washed their hands 😡

    3) Only one co-ed bathroom on the first floor (additional seating downstairs) and it was an absolute disgrace!  It made peeing on a hydrant look like sh!tting on a golden throne

    The food was standard and I think that's important if you're on the go.  Not exactly a place I'd take that "almost steady" bf/gf, you know?

  5. This is one of my few 2 star reviews and I gave it that because of all the places in Times Square, this is one restaurant that NO ONE should ever get trapped into going, even if you are a tourist and I want you to never come back to infest the streets with your flashy cameras and obnoxious fanny packs. I cannot do the disservice of tricking you to eat at this place.

    I was going to a dance studio for some Argentine Tango and had about an hour or so to kill so I walked around Times Square and found this place which looked pretty clean and legit. I walked inside and it felt like a Sbarro, but nicer with a smoothie bar. Okay, all good so far, so where the heck do they get the one star?

    You're here for food and prices. If you're a New Yorker, pizzas and all things Italian are held sacred and kept at a higher standard than anything else. If your pizza tastes like cardboard, it had better be dirt cheap. If it is mistaken as manna from heaven, we don't mind flapping out our wallets to do it. But if you cross that rather generous threshold of Cost and Taste, there is no room for forgiveness, and this place does that.

    That being said, I didn't order a pizza (uhh… what the hell was that ^ rant for then?). Well, it's because this is a PIZZA store and that sacred bond is upheld for everything that they sell, including the chicken ranch stromboli that I ordered. It cost over $8 for the tiniest wrap thing that I had ever seen. It was dripping in oil and looked like there was nothing stuffing it. What made it worse was that when I was about to order, there was a group of Japanese people giving back their plates of pizza because their order was to-go. The server took the pizzas off those plates and put my stromboli on one of them. Now, normally it's not a huge deal and I prefer that they not waste things, but I count it as a check against them rather than for them because everything here just felt slimy.

    The stromboli, as I suspected, was dry inside and the cheese was hard from having sat outside all day. The oil covering the thing was like a layer of sunscreen – thick, congealed, and sticky. I was not a huge fan of this meal. If it was at the very least large, then I could somewhat forgive them for getting my money's worth, but it was the size of a puny hot pocket. What made the meal worse was the Hawaiian Punch bottle that I bought with it – $2.99??? Are you freaking serious?

    I agree with the other reviews here, avoid it at all costs, it's not worth your money or time.

    It's only saving grace is the large open space in the basement that you can chill in with a group of friends, but I wouldn't want to buy food from here again.

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