Wan’s Garden

Wan’s Garden

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes

Price range.

$ Price range Under $10

1 review


    **Plus one star for the sweet family running this place!**

    The food/atmosphere was not impressive – this is a take-out place.  

    The food here was very fresh! Nothing was over or undercooked and the veggies have that crunch you want.

    Dumplings were too thick and the spicy food did not register as even mildly spicy, but I have a high tolerance. Hot and sour soup was not spicy, but is not too sweet, so that's good.

    *6 days later* #leftoverchallenge
    We re-vamped the Hot and Sour soup with about a 6th of a bottle of sriracha per small bowl… We also put siriacha all over everything else as we realized how much the food needed more spice and perhaps different seasoning…

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Forest Avenue 68-26
11385 NY US
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