Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market

Delivery: Yes
Take-out: Yes
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Bike Parking: Yes
Good for Kids: Yes
Good for Groups: Yes

Price range.

$$ Price range $11-30

5 reviews


    I went to this new Whole Foods on opening day (7/26/16) so my experience may not be typical. Generally, this WFM is a blessing for the neighborhood with a wide selection of fresh goods and dining selections at the typical WFM pricing. On the negative side, everything seems a lot smaller and a cramped (at least vs the Gowanus and Bowery St locations). This store reminds me of the layout at the Union Square and Time Warner Center locations. If you live in the neighborhood, go here.

    -Two floors:
    (i) top floor ("street level") has the cashiers, food, floral, quick grab items (drinks, snacks) dining area. The coffee/juice bar is immediately what you see when you first walk in. Lots of branded food options incld: a Luke's Lobster cart, East Coast Poke (which looked the most promising/interesting and I must try), pizza and sushi (seemed pretty basic), Layered (vegan); note there are escalators / elevators
    (ii) bottom floor ("market level") has everything else incld the No4 bar and traditional WFM prepared foods and salad bars. Also incld are the body goods, bakery, fruits/veggie, beer.

    -everything seems smaller and cramped vs the Gowanus and Bowery locations
    -generally I don't like multi-floor store layouts

    Other notables:
    -bathroom is downstairs; nice Elkay water fountain next to it
    -no seating downstairs
    -I didn't see the $5 daily lunch specials offered at the Gowanus WFM
    -no express lines; staff member told me they experimented at the Union Sq location and said having no express lines (ie just one line) made things go faster
    -free 90min parking (with $15 purchase) on Berry betw N3 and N4 (bring ticket to validate at register)
    -lots of staff roaming around offering help and smiles


    Brand spankin' new this Whole Foods should be called Healthy Foods 'cause it has a real food philosophy- local, healthful and delish. There's a lot to envy here like a bakery with Brooklyn Bread Lab Bread, a flour and grain bar and exotic fruits and veg
    Samples: Acne Smoked fish- amaze
    Ovenly vegan chocolate chip cookies
    Locally made charcuterie
    Lobster tails, Poke, coffee and amazingly fresh sushi are all at the upstairs marketplace. Downstairs choose between Brazilian and Thai prepared foods. Locals seemed enchanted by the groovy grocery cart escalator- very common on the UWS. that's the only downside for me  are the  two levels. Otherwise there's a bathroom downstairs  & a nice dining area, but I have to say the Gowanus store near my old Brooklyn digs is still the granddaddy Whole Foods of 'em all.


    This Whole Foods is so fresh and so clean clean.

    New and clean and modern. Main floor has a coffee bar, sushi, seating for while you nom on your new goodies, customer service, and the cash registers.

    Downstairs is where the magic happens. Fresh seafood, all the cheese your heart desires, dairy (and non dairy for you vegan folk), bulk and dry goods….the list goes on. Everything you expect from Whole Foods but imagine it even more spread out, even more variety.

    Because this location is in Brooklyn, there's more room for expansion and expand they did. It's glorious and seems to go on and on and on.

    Oh, Brooklyn. We've come so far and now we've finally gained a Whole Foods.


    IM so excited that our neighborhood finally got it's own Whole Foods. For months I had to drag my self to the downtown Brooklyn location, now it just blocks away. The only issue I have is the store a little small but it's packed well with every need. The only issue I ran into was a rude manager that was more interested in speaking nonsense with her staff. How about getting to work and yes I like taking pictures.


    It's pretty beautiful. Whether or not you're a fan of Whole Foods, you have to admit this place is pretty. Beyond that, it's also well laid out. The aisles are wide enough I don't feel like I'm on top of everyone else all the time. I'm not sure if this is just a function of still being new, but I had people ask me if I needed help as if I were in a normal retail store, something I've only seen at Fairway. I also easily impressed that the semi-labyrinth of the lower level ended logically with the escalator back to the checkout floor. There's a good deal to scope out here. It's nice that there's finally a bastion of gentrification in Williamsburg instead of all the way down in Park Slope. Because a gal needs her kale.

    It's worth noting that a) the lower level is the main floor. Don't get too excited by more than one floor here. There isn't anything really on the street level floor. b) The lower level is a dead zone. If you're like me, sometimes you need to double check the ingredient list to see how many cups of oat flour from Pinterest you need. You will get no service down there. Which, at least you won't hear about your shopping neighbors colonoscopy while you're checking out the olive oil.

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Bedford Avenue 238
11249 NY US
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Monday, 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Tuesday, 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Wednesday, 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Thursday, 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Friday, 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Saturday, 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Sunday, 8:00 am - 11:00 pm